X-ray jackets and skirts are designed to shield and protect you from the possibly lethal effects of ionizing radiation for a very particular reason. Shielding, one of the three fundamental radiation safety concepts, can often be used where it is not feasible to apply the rules of time and space. Hospital X-Ray Jackets and skirts is used for diagnostic imaging to minimize the sensitivity of a hospitalized patient and staff to X-Rays from direct and indirect radiation to critical organs directly vulnerable to ionizing radiation during medical imaging using x-rays (radiography, fluoroscopy, computed tomography). Protective medical x-ray jackets and skirts made of lead or a non-lead substitute are intended to cover the body's radiosensitive parts when the healthcare worker has to be close to the radiation source. X-ray jackets and skirts often provide the person with more versatility to complete daily activities while seated, bending, or stooping.