Midwifery Kit Manufactured by Desco Medical India
Kit Contents :-
1. Apron, Disposable Plastic 80 x 130 cm (1 Each)
2. Bag, Plastic Resealable 30 x 40 cm (1 Each)
3. Basin Kidney, Large stainless steel (1 Each)
4. Basin Kidney, Polyproplene (1 Each)
5. Blanket rescue 160 x 210 cm (1 Each)
6. Bottle with Screw Cap 200 ml (1 Each)
7. Bottle Dropping 10 ml, amber colour (2 Each)
8. Bottle Glass with lid 50 ml Amber (1 Each)
9. Bowl Small 600 ml Stainless Steel (1 Each)
10. Brush Hand Scrubbing, Surgical (1 Each)
11. Case for 2 ml Syringe + Needles empty Metal (1 Each)
12. Case Midwifery with Lid, Aluminium (1 Each)
13. Catheter, Nelation, CH 12 (1 Each)
14. Catheter Nelation, CH 14 (1 Each)
15. Compress, N/W 10 x 10 cm, Sterile (4 Each)
16. Cotton Wool, Absorbent 100 g BP (1 Each)
17. Disinfector for Boiling Medical instruments (1 Each)
18. File for BCG ampoules 6 x 50 mm (1 Each)
19. Forceps Artery Pean 14.5 cm Straight Stainless Steel (2 Each)
20. Gloves Surgical size 7,5 (2 Each)
21. Minigrip Bag For Medicaments 15 x 25 cm (1 Each)
22. Mucus Extractor (Suction Yube CH 10) (1 Each)
23. Nail Cutter (1 Each)
24. Needle Disposable 0, 7, x 30 22 G x 1 1/4 (1 Each)
25. Notepad A5 Ruled (2 Each)
26. Scale Spring Baby 5kg x 25 g with Trouser (1 Each)
27. Scissors, Straight 14.5 cm Blunt/Blunt (1 Each)
28. Sheet Plastic 65 cm x 130 cm (1 Each)
29. Soap Bar 100 g x (6 Each)
30. Soap Box (1 Each)
31. Sphygmomanometer, Aneroid with cuff adult (1 Each)
32. Stethoscope, Dual-cup (1 Each)
33. Stethoscope Foetal Metal (1 Each)
34. Suture catgut, chromic 2/0 With Needle (36 Each)
35. Syringe Hypo 2 ml Glass (1 Each)
36. Tape 3 mm x 50m Umbilical Cord (2 Each)
37. Tape Measure (1 Each)
38. Thermometer, Clinical 30x - 40x C (1 Each)
39. Thermometer, Clinical Oral With Cover (1 Each)
40. Towel Huck (1 Each)
We are Manufacturer, Exporters and Suppliers of Midwifery Kit at wholesale competitive prices from India.
Model No :
MID KIT 101 Midwifery Kit